What is Your Health Advice for Heart Failure Patients?
Alan Gass, MD, FACC, Medical Director, Cardiac Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support at Westchester Medical Center, the flagship of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth), gives heart failure patients the same advice he...
How can I keep fit through the winter?
It happens every year. As the cold and darkness sets in, fitness can fall by the wayside. But that’s no excuse to let your fitness goals slide.
Is snow shoveling bad for my heart?
When it comes to older adults and snow shoveling, know the risk factors, because according to Martin Cohen, MD, interventional cardiologist at Westchester Medical Center, the flagship of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network...
How can we make sure sledding stays fun?
During a typical winter season, our pediatric emergency department cares for dozens of children injured while sledding, snow tubing and tobogganing,” says Darshan Patel, MD, Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Maria Fareri Children’s...
Is there a “right” way to wash your hands?
“Hand hygiene is the most important way to prevent spreading infection to our families, friends and coworkers.
What is COPD?
If the costs of cigarettes or fear of lung cancer weren’t good enough reasons to kick your cigarette habit, consider that smoking is the leading cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Are You a Compulsive Hoarder?
Have you ever wondered if having a constantly cluttered home means you are a compulsive hoarder?
I’ve Started Developing Varicose Veins. Now What?
If you have unsightly or painful varicose veins on your legs, you are not alone.
How Can I Support Someone Going Through Cancer?
Dealing with cancer can be challenging on every level, and even well-meaning friends and family don’t always know how, or when, to offer help.
Do I Really Need to Wear Sunscreen Year-Round?
It doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold, rainy or sunny, October or May.